Angry Reviews

Stupid Sorbet (Played against Hoffhacks): Some dude named PC2 just aimbotted me.
Clyde Barker (Played with Hoffhacks): Bro aimbotted and spun around the whole time, but who gets banned? Me and my team. wtf???
GamerAngel2000 (Played against Hoffhacks): Wow really stupid I hate your damn hacks ruining this game!
ToastedMuffinWizard (Played with Hoffhacks): Guy on my team with Hoffhacks was so good, he was actually stealing kills from me. Not killing enemies before me, taking them off my kill count...
ChrisCrossed (Played with Hoffhacks): I went from Sucking more to Sucking Less Guaranteed!
SpiciestSalsa (Played with Hoffhacks): Played with him, after he killed the entire enemy team for 15mins straight, the thing farted in the mic and said it was an AI
xLeButch (Played with Hoffhacks): Wow cant believe I had someone better than me in my team. Didnt have anyone near has good as me but with Hoffhacks you can. Highly suggest.
Jon Hur (Played with Hoffhacks): They said my sschlong was too long
GAYLord (Played against Hoffhacks): Ummmm..... the pills made something bigger
MelOS (Played against Hoffhacks): really clocked in with my “friends”, the game is in ROOKie mode now, night night

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Disclaimer: This website and all of its content are for entertainment purposes only. The hacks mentioned are purely fictional and should not be taken seriously.